Seemingly conventional and yet original.
Building a modular system means using simple modern building solutions that are fast, efficient and flexible.
Great attention was paid to the practical use of the entire space and with particular emphasis on ensuring optimum insulation. The priority for the exterior was the functionality of the materials used. For the interior we managed to combine funonality with a pleasing aesthetic appearance.
The primary school meets all the necessary hygiene regulations and on behalf of the entire Moravia Containers team, we wish the pupils and teachers many pleasant and productive hours at their desks.
If you are planning to build your own project, you can find more inspiration in PRODUKTY or PHOTOGALERY tab, on Linkedin or you can WRITE to us directly.
Kanovice 104, 763 41 Kanovice, District Zlin
IBAN: CZ3808000000000007310722
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